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YCC Family Crisis Center

  • Available 24/7
  • Crisis Resource
  • Free Service

YCC Family Crisis Center is a non-profit organization located in Weber County Utah, providing assistance to enhance the safety of individuals and families impacted by family and sexual violence by providing crisis intervention and advocacy services. Our domestic violence and sexual assault programs provide services 24/7 to victims and their children. Our services include a 24/7 hotline, crisis shelter, community case management, advocacy, protective order assistance, support groups, and therapy. All services are confidential and available at no cost.

  • English
  • Interpreting Service Used
  • Spanish, Castilian
  • Services
  • Case Management
  • Housing Assistance
  • Mental Health Services
  • Safety Planning
  • Legal Advocacy
  • Victim Advocacy
  • Hotline Staffed 24/7
  • Protective Orders
  • Shelter
  • Prevention Education
  • Support Groups
  • Onsite Childcare Center
  • Cost

    Eligibility Criteria
  • We provide support and services 24/7 to individuals who are experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault.
    • 2261 Adams Avenue
      Ogden, UT 84401

    Hours of Operation

    Open 24 Hours

    Contact Us